Monday, 22 July 2013

Hiring a Maid, Direct hire and Agent Hire

I am starting this blog to share information in Singapore about Hiring a Philippine domestic helper. I am operating an Employment Agency myself. The name of my company is BEE LEE MAID AGENCY LLP. so feel free to share additional information. i will answer your questions to the best i can. :)

I shall start in writing about Direct Hire.

A Direct hire Maid means you know the maid in person, you have her contact number etc. you both agree to enter into the employer employee relationship. So the process of the paper work begin

This is a program to help understand mom requirement and the general rules for hiring a FDW in singapore.

2. Once you complete the first step, now you need to apply for a IPA ( in principle approval ) from the MOM to bring in the maid from their country of origin. You can do this by yourself or by engaging an employment agency in Singapore, usually after submitting your documents, NRIC, income tax, the worker passport etc it can take up to 7 working days to obtain the IPA. 

3. Insurances
After you obtain the IPA, you can now use the IPA letter to purchase the insurance with security bond.
With IPA and Insurance, make sure that the security bond is successfully transmitted to MOM by checking with the insurance company, the FDW are allow to enter Singapore as a Domestic helper. BUT WAIT,
This part only spell out what is requirements for the Singapore laws. The more tricky part is from the country of origin of the FDW.

4. As you know, different country have different requirements for their own people. Here is what happen

Obtain An OEC ( Oversea Employement Contract ) 

You cannot avoid the agency even if it is ‘direct-hire’: If the maid you want to direct-hire is in Philippines, the word ‘direct-hire’ is a little mis-leading. As per the regulations implemented in JUN / JUL-2010 by Philippines Embassy, Singapore, all maids who wish to work in Singapore from Philippines MUST do proper paperwork through POEA (Philippines Oversees Employment Administration). POEA formalities and paperwork are quite intense for which employers will need an agency in Philippines who can get this paperwork done for their maid. Since, the employers in Singapore would not know the agencies in Philippines, they need to engage some agency in Singapore who will have their contacts with agencies in Philippines. The agency is required primarily to do the paperwork in Philippines. Approved maid-agencies in Singapore are listed on the Philippines Embassy website. Most maid agencies in Singapore who deal with Filipino maids are approved by Philippines Embassy, Singapore. 
The labour office in the embassy only allows the employer to do the documents themself  if he/ she has employ the worker for more than 2 years. Another words, you can only do renewal yourself but you cant direct hire a fresh new worker. So you need a Singapore Agent if you need to hire a new worker.

Once you completed the requirements for the both country, then you can legally bring in the FDW from the country of origin.

5. After the FDW come into Singapore, if she is a fresh maid who never work in Singapore, she need to go for medical check up in approve clinic for medical screening and to attend a SIP course. you can register for the course after the FDW arrival. 

FDW who have work in Singapore before ( EX Singapore Maid) does not require to do the SIP course but she still need to go for medical screening.
6. After the FDW successfully attend the SIP and pass her medical screening, you now need to request to MOM to Issue the work permit card. If you are engaging an agent, the agent will help you to do this. You can log on to work permit online if you are doing it on your own. upon successful of the issue of work permit card. you need to bring the worker to MOM for finger print registration. and obtain her Physical work permit card. Follow the requirements on the Issuewance letter. 

Once the finger print registration is completed. The worker is officially working in Singapore.

The cost involve in the hiring include

1. IPA application fee $30
2. Insurance with security bond. The cost range for this is around $200++ to 300++ depending on the package of insurance you chose. there are many insurance company that provide the cover for this. so just search around.
3. OEC 
The agencies in Singapore charges around $1200-$1500 This amount should include 
 a. one way ticket from Philippine to Singapore. 
 b. All the training required by POEA.
 c. Medical check up prior to enter Singapore.
 d. OEC certificate and the Exit permit from Philippine.

4. Medical check up in Singapore $55-$75

5. SIP course. $75

6. Issue of work permit card $30

I hope you find this information useful. feel free to drop me any question. Cheers


  1. Hi,

    Thank you for the information. I have currently finalised a Filipino maid who is currently working in singapore and her contract ends this november. So could you let me know how do i employ her directly without involving the Agent. The agent fee cost me a bomb. Please advise if you know the process and steps involved.

  2. Hi, there are few things that you need to do before the worker is consider legal for both country.

    For Singapore side, is pretty straight forward. These are the few things that you need to do.

    1. Get a written and sign Consent of Transfer letter from the current employer who she is working with.

    2. Get the worker work permit card and her passport. Log on to the work permit online from the MoM website and log on to as a employer.

    3. Apply the maid as a FDW under your name. you need to prepare your NRIC and the most recent income tax Notice of assessment. min requirement for the income is 30 thousands to qualify for hiring. application fee is $30 dollar, you make the payment online using visa payment. processing time for this is 7 working days.

    4. when step 3 is completed and MOM issue you an IPA letter, ( in principal approve ) you need to purchase a insurance through one of the insurance company that offer FDW insurance. you can easily get one from the market. The insurance company will provide you with all the MOM requirement package for the hire requirement. you can purchase a better package by paying a higher premium. The insurance company will also provide the $5000 Security bond and do the transmittion to the MOM. so you just need to wait for 1 working days after you purchase the insurance for the SB to take effect.

    5. once you have the insurance done, check if the FDW require to go for medical check up. MOM require all FDW to go for medical check up every 6 months.

    6. If everything is done, proceed to MOM website, and log on to the Work permit online to do the issuance of the work permit. This is the physical card itself. The issuance cost $30 dollar again. and you can again pay by visa.

    7. Once the issuance is done, normally it will take about 30 mins after the request have been put up. read through the issuance letter and follow the instruction on the issuance letter itself. you should expect something like
    a. The work permit application form to be complete
    b. submit the passport copy for the worker.
    c. complete, declare and sign on the Security bond form etc.
    most of it has to complete online. if MOM require you to bring the maid to the WPSC ( work pass service center) just follow accordingly.

    8. if all these is done, then just wait to receive the card from MOM. and you have to return the worker's work permit card to the WPSC.

    with these, The Singapore side legal documents is done.

    For the Philippine side, it gets a little tricky.

    If the FDW have work for you for 2 years, you can do the application on your own. if not, you have to get an accredited employment agent to help you to submit the documents. This is the Philippine embassy requirement. so you don't have choice.

    You can look for me to do this part if you have problem finding one. Charges for the entire process is about $300-$350.

    If you can do it by yourself, here are the steps

    1. After you get the IPA, ( Singapore side step 3 ) you need to go to Philippine embassy website, to download and fill up a few forms.

    a. The standard contract.
    b. The employer undertaking.
    c. purchase a $7000 Philippine embassy bond. again, this can be purchase together with the insurance policy which you buy earlier for the Singapore side.
    d. Submit together with the employer ID, passport, worker passport, worker work permit card ( the one she is holding on currently ) and the embassy bond at the Philippine embassy. They are open on Monday to Friday from 9-5.

    2. The processing time for this is about 4 working days. once the POEA contract is done, the Philippine side consider this worker is legal. so you wont face any problem when the maid wanted to go back to Philippine during the contract period. The charges for the documentations for contract is $59.50 and for the owwa membership is $42 dollars.

    So with all these, the worker is legal for both country to work for you.

    feel free to drop me a massage if you have any further questions or if you meet any difficulties.


  3. Hi Jacky I found your post helpful and I may need your help to bring my filipino domestic helper from Malaysia to Singapore. Please contact me by email. Thanks. Kelvin

  4. Hi Jacky,

    I would like to direct-hire my ex Filipino FDW. She actually worked for me (23 months) before working for this current employer (since Oct 2013). She will be flying back to Phillipines this Saturday 06 Jan 14 but her current employer did not apply home leave for her and asked her to look for another employer. Her return ticket is on 18 Jan 14 back to Singapore. Do you think everything can be processed before 18 Jan 14 so that she got no problem to come back to Singapore if i want to direct-hire her? How much will it cost if i want to engage you to process all this for me?


    1. Dear Jessical, it gets a little tricky to direct hire you maid consider that she is already flying back. please give me a call so I can explain to you. my number is 98465035

  5. Hi Jacky,

    I have almost same situation with Jessica. The maid that I want to direct hire was a former maid here in Singapore and is at present in Manila. Do I need to apply for an OWWA from POEA? or is there such a thing as a renewal of OWWA?

    Please advice tnx

    1. Hi Ryan,

      You need to follow the steps if you wish to hire the maid. The fact that she is already back to Philippine, you cannot apply on your own, you have to look for an agent in Singapore with Philippine embassy POEA accreditation in order to do the OEC. These involve a series of things and requirement that you need to fulfil. here are the steps

      1. Apply IPA from MOM
      2. Buy Insurance with Philippine Bonds.
      3. look for an Agent to process OEC for you. ( Singapore Agent )
      4. Inform the maid to go to the agent in Philippine that link up with the Singapore agent.
      5. Once the paper process. then the maid can come into Singapore.

      The rest of the medical and process from MOM site have to fulfil after she come in.

  6. Hi Jacky
    Can you please advise how can I employ a Malaysian aunty to work with me (stay in like a FDW) to look after my child. Friends are telling me its difficult to get MOM approval as i already have a filipino maid. Is it true?

    What is needed by MOM in such instance to approve my application?
    Also, I don't know how to apply on my there any agency who is willing to do the paper work and how much does it cost? Thanks

    1. I need to know more about ur situation. Can u give me a call at 98465035?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. sorry, I just need to know if the maid going to continue to work for you. in another word, is she renewing her contract with you? if yes, then you have to pay her 2 weeks salary as bonus, and a return air ticket, price should be around $300 over.

    2. contact me at 98465035 for any clarification

  8. For direct hire, do we need to pay upfront the maid's loan?

    1. For Direct Hire, there will be no loan. If you engage an employment agent to do the Hiring for you, the agent might collect an initial deposit from you.

  9. Nice posting it is. I will recommend this blog to my friends.

    Philippine Maids | Maid Service In Dubai

    1. Thanks. I am glad that you find this posting useful. have a great day!


  10. hi
    i wanted to direct hire my ex. myanmar maid.
    may i know is there anything we need to do for my maid at myanmar side.

    1. Hi Ken
      You can contact me at 98465035 for more details. Thanks

  11. Hi Jacky,
    I'm trying to get my ex helper to work for us but during her employment with us, she didn't complete. Can I still go direct to get her or I need to get an agent to assist?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am finished contract in singapore last year and now i decided to work again there i hope that i can find employer here help me.. Thank u my contact +639997249517

  14. Hi Jacky, I would like to enquire how much does your agency charge if I engage you to process the POEA for me? Thanks.

    1. Dear Camie, charges vary depending on the work that u need me to do. For Philippine's side documentations and process is about 1200.

  15. Hi. How long will it take fr direct hiring phillipines fdw?

    1. The whole process for the Direct hire takes about two to two and a half month now.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. how about Indonesia maid? can you advise?

    1. Yes. You can call me at this number 98465035. Thanks

  18. Hi,

    I want to hire a FDW from Philippines (i know her personally). Can I process her papers without engaging an agency in Philippines? And if i will engage an agency here in Singapore roughly how much is the agency fee? I have EOP already. Thank you.

    1. hi, you still have to go through an agent, because only accreditated agent with Philippine embassy in Singapore can book the necessary appointment for your worker to obtain the necessary documents. if you engage an agent to do every for you in SG, probably will cost you about 2 k plus. everything included. noted that you have taken EOP.

  19. Hello viewer's ,I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my Ex Lover return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank...Dr. Thabani for helping in getting my Ex Lover back to me, i have been in great pains until the day i contacted Dr. Thabani he caste a Reunite love spell for me and told me to wait for just 24 hours that my Lover will call me and i did according to the instructions given to me by him and surprisingly, in 24 hours, my Ex Lover really called me and started apologizing for all she had caused me. I am the happiest Man on earth today because Dr. Thabani has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony,You can contact Dr. Thabani on:Email ( Cell& Whatsapp +27826439617.

  20. Hi,

    May I know if we want to direct hire ex-sg maid from Myanmar? what needs to be done for the Myanmar side?


  21. Hi,

    May I know if we want to direct hire ex-sg maid from Myanmar? what needs to be done for the Myanmar side?


    1. For direct hire of myanmar maid, singapore side is very easy. Apply ipa and buy insurance as per normal. But myanmar side is a little tricky. Pls pm or call me at 98465035

  22. hi
    i wanted to direct hire a myanmar maid.
    may i know is there anything we need to do for my maid at myanmar side.

  23. Hi Jacky,

    I have an existing helper with me who wished to be transferred out to another employer and I am hoping to do direct hire (I'm still looking for someone) as agency really charges a bomb. Could you advise?

    1. Hi. U can call me at 98465035. Too long to explain here

  24. Hi jacky,
    I would like to direct hire my mil’s Ex PH helper. She went back to PH in May 2017 & she would like to come back and work for me.

    I can probably manage the SG documentations but will you be able to help me with the PH documentations?

    How much will your fees be for processing the PH side?

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