Wednesday, 18 February 2015

OEC, Oversea Employment Certificate, Home Leave application DIY for Philippines Domestic Helper

If you are trying to do home leave for your worker and find that the agency is charging extrobitant Fees you can try doing it yourself. It is quite frustrating dealing with the Philippines Embassy as the information about the process and application is simple unclear and insufficient. Additionally, the embassy ruling is ever changing, rule change can be as drastic as 3 months duration. For those that have read through other blog regarding the process, it could be out dated.

I am operating an Employment Agency myself. The name of my company is BEE LEE MAID AGENCY LLP. so feel free to share additional information. i will answer your questions to the best i can. :)

Before you proceed with the DIY home leave application. Your Worker has served continuously for at least two (2) years with the same employer/ or you. Otherwise you need to get a accredited employment agency in Singapore to help you with the processing of the home leave.

**list of prerequisites and preprerequisites.

1. Valid Employment Contract ($59.50) In order for you to get this, you need to follow a series of steps and document required. here is a list of what document you need for Employment contract. 
a. The empty employment contract. (download from Philippines embassy website under Form Tab)
b. Worker work permit card
c. worker's valid passport
d. employer IC
e. Employer undertaking
f. Purchase of Philippine embassy $7000 bonds ( you can get it from the insurance company that provide FDW insurance.)
g. make sure your worker and you sign on the necessary documents.

Prepare 2 sets of about mention documents for the contract to be process. (processing time is 3 working days.)

Once you receive the contract,

Here are the steps to follow,

1. Create an email account for your worker. ( thats right, you never see it wrongly, the first step is to create and email account. ) As of 2014 the OEC process have to book through online, and a appointment have to be make using a valid email account.

2. Have all your informations about your worker ready goes to scroll to the bottom right of the page, click on "CLICK HERE FOR OEC APPOINTMENT"

3. Register as a user, using the email account that you have created from step 1.

4. Key in the necessary information in the user account and book for the appointment date for the OEC.

Once appointment is make, the embassy will send a confirmation to the email address that you registered.

5. On the appointment date, bring the original work permit, valid passport, and the original Employment contract that you process during the prerequisites.

6. Make payment for owwa membership. ( This is the prerequisite as well, but because you can purchase it on the day of your appointment date, so i put it here on the last steps.) 

7. Make another payment of 3 dollars for the exit pass. The exit pass will send to the email address of the worker. 

Follow the steps strictly to get the process smooth, otherwise u might have  to travel back and for to the embassy for the slightest mistake that you have make.

Welcome your domestic helper with wide open arms after two weeks without her. However if you made the effort to bond with your children during this period of time, you’d somehow realise that your helpers don’t make great parents of your children. There is no substitute for you.

Good luck to all with your helper hiring, be nice and be calm. Happy Hiring!!


  1. How about direct hiring a ex Sin Filipino FDW?

    1. Direct hire ex sin is the same process as long as the worker is in Philipine.

  2. Hi, just curious, I am a Singaporean based in Hong Kong and would like to bring my existing maid in Hong Kong to continue working for me in Singapore. Would there be any difference in the application process since she is not in Philippines but in Hong Kong now? I am a little confused with the Philippines Embassy bit. We will also be paying her a similar salary to what she is drawing in Hong Kong while working for us, so will need to make changes to the salary portion to the standard contract.

    1. yes. the process to bring into Singapore from Hong Kong is much easier. never the less, please do check with hong kong authority whether they have any rules and regulations regarding the exit of philippine working from hong kong. you might want to check with hong kong embassy. For singapore, is very direct, apply ipa, buy insurance and then follow the necessary process set up by MoM and there should not have any problem.

  3. WE have found a ex-sg maid (worked for 2 yrs) but work permit expired now. She in singapore currently on social visit pass now. Can we direct Hire her. Any Philippines embassy issue.

  4. WE have found a ex-sg maid (worked for 2 yrs) but work permit expired now. She in singapore currently on social visit pass now. Can we direct Hire her. Any Philippines embassy issue.

    1. Yes. Please pm me at 98465035. Thanks

    2. Yes. Please pm me at 98465035. Thanks

  5. I would like to hire a maid from philipine. She works in Singapore for 4 years with another employer. How can I direct hire her

    1. Hi, if she is in Singapore then you just need to get her employer approval to transfer under your name, that is the easiest. if the worker is in Philippine, then you need to follow through the procedure as per POEA. call me at 98465035 so i can explain to you better.

  6. Hi, my ex FDW of 10 years left to get married in Philippines but ended up working in Dubai because of financial problems. She wants to come back to work for me. How do I hire her directly? Does she need to go back to Philippines first? Thanks!

  7. You can direct hire her to come singapore. Entering singapore with proper document as per MOM require. For the exit from dubai, just check from dubai authority that she can transit from dubai to singapore. Should not have peoblem.

  8. I have a maid use to work under me I like to direct hire do I still need to go to embassy

  9. Hi Jacky,

    I wanted to hire back my ex FDW, she work for me 2.5 years. She just went home last December and now I need to hire her back. Can I direct hire her or need to go through an agency?

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